Doug's Digital Transformation Journey: Incorporating Data Into Strategy

Doug's Digital Transformation Journey: Incorporating Data Into Strategy

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October 28, 2023
3:53 pm

Doug and Bâton Global (B|G) met with the CEO of WealthArrow to review the changes that had been made over the past couple of months and the impact the organization started to see.

They walked the CEO through the improved customer experience, which stemmed from a more holistic understanding of the client. Doug and B|G also explained how the transformation led to greater efficiency in the organization, as the sales force spent less time searching for information and more time interacting with potential clients. They discussed the challenges they faced integrating these changes into each department. Once the CEO had a holistic understanding of the work accomplished during the project, it was time to incorporate the new data into WealthArrow’s overall strategy.

Digital Transformation Journey

The first step to incorporate data into their strategy was onboarding the rest of the organization. Doug and B|G spent the next couple of weeks meeting enterprise leadership with the goal of implementing data into their specific strategies. Throughout these meetings, Doug painted a picture of WealthArrow’s perfect customer. The ideal buyer persona created from the new data helped business unit leaders see what data could do for their departments. The second step involved B|G running strategy development workshops to aid in setting objectives for each business unit. This enabled business unit leaders to develop plans with measurable goals and high-level initiatives, giving further insight into how each business unit would contribute to the WealthArrow’s digital transformation roadmap.

From that point on, all WealthArrow leaders were expected to be as data-minded as Doug and B|G. If an account manager was curious about how to handle a certain issue with a client, they could turn to the data. If a sales representative was curious about how to close a certain kind of prospect, they could turn to the data. Per the CEO, these capabilities were to be fostered by all executive leaders.

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October 28, 2023
3:53 pm
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Innovation Suite
Data Driven Branding
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