John Economos

Advisor, Strategy Data Engine


John Economos (e-con-uh-miss) approaches his work with empathy and diligence. He listens intently to learn quickly in order to understand a client's priorities, people, and processes. He is able to challenge the status quo in a direct and respectful manner and adapt to changing circumstances without losing sight of the bigger picture.

John has worked in central Iowa for 10 years as a consulting resource in environments ranging from Fortune 200 companies to small-but-mighty non-profit organizations. Since joining Bâton Global in 2019, John has completed work with clients including Bankers Trust, Water Professionals International, Des Moines Area Community College, Kreg Tool Company, Bravo, and the Greater Des Moines Partnership. He founded the Workforce Trends and Occupancy Study alongside Reworc, which contains the first-ever dataset representing the behaviors and sentiments of a city’s multi-sector knowledge worker persona, inside and outside of the workplace.

John holds a B.S. with Summa Cum Laude honors in Finance from Iowa State University. John grew up in Urbandale and currently lives in West Des Moines with his wife Jessi, who owns an interior design firm (Jeid Studio) on Ingersoll Avenue in Des Moines.


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